The Bhagavad-Gita, along with the Vedas and the Upanishads, constitutes a basic triad (prasthanatrayi) of the Hindu religion. It is by far one of the most sacred among Hindu religious texts. It forms the foundation for most of the ideologies of Hindu religion, and is also one of the most important reasons why Hinduism is what it is today. The Bhagavad-Gita is a conscience keeper to many, acts like a compendium to many, and is source of inspiration to many. It is one of the most widely translated and read books in the world. Yet, the story of its divine origin and authorship seems a bit far stretched to modern readers. Meghnad Desai, in his book ‘Who Wrote the Bhagavad-Gita?’ makes a secular inquiry into the sacred text, and in the process, tries to unravel the identity of its author.
The book begins with giving a brief background about the text and its importance during ancient times and modern times as well. It tells us how the Gita was used as a uniting factor in our freedom struggle, and as a weapon for anti-colonial struggle. The commentary made by many famous people – Vivekananda, Tilak, Gandhi, Ambedkar etc. on the Gita is briefly explained. He also writes about the evolution of Jaya to Bharata and then to Mahabharata.
After this brief background about the Gita and its relevance in Hindu society, then and now, Meghnad Desai delves into the question on which this book is based. He mainly uses G.S. Khair’s ‘Quest for the Original Gita’ in drawing his own conclusions. Using the change in style and context across the Gita, Meghnad concludes that the Gita was written by not one but three different authors at different times. He also tells us which verse in the Gita was written by which author; of the total 700 verses, the first author wrote 126 verses, the second author 119 verses, and the third author 455 verses.
Maharaja in Denims, a historical fiction, is an intriguing narrative of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, commonly known as the Lion of Punjab, through the eyes of a teenager named Hari, who believes he is a reincarnation of the maharaja. When Suzanne, Haris girlfriend, attempts to decode Hari's past life through the practice of regression, as she is shocked to discover that Hari has had more than one tumultous past lives. This changes both their lives forever.
High on emotion, drama, politics and sex, the novel provides an insight into the history of Punjab, and the tragic after-effects of the assassination of the former prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi. Interwoven throughout the unfolding of Hari and Suzanne's present-day story, are vignettes of Ranjit Singh's life and loves, valour and conquests. There is an astonishing revelation at the end, which is set in the future and yet, has a deep historical resonance.
High on emotion, drama, politics and sex, the novel provides an insight into the history of Punjab, and the tragic after-effects of the assassination of the former prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi. Interwoven throughout the unfolding of Hari and Suzanne's present-day story, are vignettes of Ranjit Singh's life and loves, valour and conquests. There is an astonishing revelation at the end, which is set in the future and yet, has a deep historical resonance.
The library added three hundred new titles during last fortnight. Prominent title among them are The 17 day
diet / by Mike Moreno , Civilian warriors : the inside story of blackwater/
Erik Prince ,Indian financial system / Sanjay
Sinha , A thousand shards of
glass : there is another America / Michael Katakis , Maharaja in denims /
Khushwant Singh ,Who wrote the Bhagavatgita
: a secular inquiry into a sacred text/ Meghnad Desai , Single Man : life &
times of Nitish Kumar of Bihar/ Sankarshan Thakur , The red stamp / Aseem Singh
Guru ,Kindled lives / Sangeeta Shah , Sweetest mistake / Candis Terry , Say yes
to sports / O.P. Singh , Outer space : law , policy and governance/ G.S.
Sachdeva , Maps for a mortal moon / Jerry Pinto , The Hay house of cinema that heals / Ashok
Raj , The inspiring journey of a hero : learning from the life of O.P Munjal /
Priya Kumar , Things your mother never told you about love / Juhi Pande
,India’s parliamentry democracy on trial
/ Madhav Godbole , Indra’s net / Rajiv Malhotra ,Impulse : why we do
what we do without knowing, why we do it
/ David Lewis
Jane Austen , an English novelist complete works in the Audio books can be downloaded at the link below :
CLICK here for download
CLICK here for download
Monday to Friday
Reading Hall 08:00 am - 08:00 pm
Other Sections 10: 00 am -06: 30 pm
Saturday and Sunday ( All Sections )
10:00 am to 06:00 pm
(The Library will remain closed on all Gazetted Holidays)
On the occasion of Children’s Day, T.S. Central State Library, Sector 17, Chandigarh organised an outreach programme at Govt Senior Secondary School, Sector 27, Chandigarh on 14th November, 2014. Various activities including Book mark making competition, Quiz on Chacha Nehru and Puzzles. Prizes and refreshments were also given to the children. A special session was conducted to inculcate the habit of reading among them. The importance of reading and going to libraries was explained. Children actively participated. This programme was organised and conducted by Mrs Neeza Singh, Librarian.
Once upon a time, there was a Bihari boy called Madhav. He fell in love with a rich girl from Delhi called Riya. Madhav didnt speak English well. Riya did. Madhav wanted a relationship. Riya didn't. Riya just wanted friendship. Madhav didn't. Riya suggested a compromise. She agreed to be his half-girlfriend.
Library added three hundred titles during the last fortnight. Prominent titles among them are Transforming South
Asia imperatives for action/ Rajiv
Bhatia , Status of women in india / Seema
Bhattacharya , How to motivate children to learn? / P.D Hegde , Manual
of leather and Rubber products / W.H Dooley , Unknown facets of Rajiv
Gandhi,jyoti Basu, inderjit Gupta / AP Mukherjee , Bad Touch /Payal Shah
Karwa, Ambedkar and Buddhism /Dharam C.
Vyas , Behind closed doors:politics of
Punjab ,Haryana and the Emergency /B.K. Chum , Konjo Fighting spirt /
Sandeep Goyal , Sand Glass /Romesh Gunesekera , Smart Change / Art Markman ,
Fiction of Fact-Finding :Modi & Godhra /Manoj Mitta , Fables for all ages /
Abanindanat Tagore , Holy Smoke it’s a godman / Satish Georgy Kashyap ,
Crossroads /Ahmed Faiyaz , Simon Kernick /Stay Alive , My Owan Boswell /M. Hidayatullah
, War Crime & Refugees /Anand Parkash , Sheikh mujibur Rahman / Syed Badrul
Ahsan , Plantagnets : king that made Britain / Derek Wilson , Idris keeper of
the light / Anita nair , Caravaggio conspiracy Alex Connor , Inside Outside
:tow views of social change in rural india / B.S Baviskar , Marx’s a student
edition Capital /C.J. Arthur , Woman in Black :angel of death / Martyn Waites ,
All you want to know about investing / Ravi Gupta , Ideological integration of
east and west :sufi enquiry concerning world peace / Moazziz Ali Beg , Seven
spiritual laws of yoga / Deepak Chopra , Women extraordinaire A novel / Suchita
Malik ,
Library added three hundred books to its collection during the last fortnight. Prominent titles among them are Market your way to growth: 8 ways to
win / Philip Kotler , Zhuan Falun / Li
Hongzhi , Unraveling rights of the accused in India / Dr. Sunaina , Bright
light / Paritosh uttam , How to fail everything and still win big : kind of the
story of my life / Scott Adams , Ngo schemes and guidelines / V.K. Sudersan ,Tears of Jhelum / Anita
Krishan , The railway man / Eric
Lomax , , Passing exams for dummies
/Parrick Sherratt ,The fiction of fact finding : Modi and Godhra / Manoj
Mitta , The 7 habits of highly effective people : powerful lessons in
personal change / Steven. R. Covey , Mistress of the throne / Ruchir Gupta ,
The story of the world cup : the essential companion to Brazil 2014/ Brian
Glanville , Top dog: the science of winning and losing / Po Bronson , A thousand love letters / Shwetabh Gangwar
, Women extraordinaire / Suchita Malik ,
Indira Gandhi : a personal and political biography , Elements of Tibetan
Buddhism / Richard .E Farkas , Snowing in Bali : the incredible inside account
of Bali’s hidden drug world / Kathryn Bonella , The long war / Terry Pratchett
, India and world civilization / D.P.
Singhal , Times of lost atlas/ Harsh Agarwal , Life served hot / Shomprakash
Sinha Roy
The library added 250 new titles during the last fortnight to its collection. Prominent titles among them are Me and my plays/ Mahesh Dattani , Lets talk / Mukta
Mahajani , Who wrote the Bhagavadgita ?
: a secular inquiry into a sacred text / Meghnad Desai , How to motivate
children to learn / P.D. Hedge ,Sorting out Sid / Yashodhara Lal , Indian Uninc
./ R. Vaidyanathan , Paper towns / John
Green ,Take me home /Rashmi Bansal , After the deluge / Dominique Varma ,
Delirium / Sowmya Aji , Passing Exams
for dummies / Patrick Sherratt , A
textbook organizational behavior : with
text and cases / C.B Gupta ,The sikh way
of martial living / Amrik Singh , Indira
Gandhi : a personal and political biography / Inder Malhotra , Lost city and the templars / Paul Chrishtopher ,Everything I ever neede
to know about economics : I learned from online dating / Paul Oyer
,Transformation of our cities : postcard
of change / Isher Judge , 101 things everyone should know about economics /
Peter Sander , The sandglass / Romesh Gunesekera ,Smart change: Break the habits
that hold you back / Art Markman , The
Childhood of Jesus / J.M. Coetzee , Inside – outside : two views of social change
/ B.S. Baviskar , The plantagenets : the
kings that made Britain / Derek Wilson , IDRIS : keeper of the light / Anita
Nair , The Caravaggio Conspiracy : the
master ,the mystery , the murders / Alex Connor , Transforming South Asia :
imperatives for action / Rajiv Bhatia
Read or download constitution of India with Amendment
Constitution of India in English Click here
Constitution of India in Hindi Click here
Amendment Act Click here
Constitution of India in English Click here
Constitution of India in Hindi Click here
Amendment Act Click here
Library added 250 titles during last fortnight to its collection. . Prominent title among them are Rearview: my roadies journey / Raghu ,
Smarter : the new science of building brain power/ Dan Hurley ,How to play
cricket / Donald Bradman , Maverick unchanged, unrepentant / Ram Jethmalani
,Driven : Memoirs of a civil servant turned entrepreneur/ Jagdish Khatter ,
Supertraits of superstars : success secrets of bollywood’s brightest/ Priyanka
Sinha Jha ,Spirit of sports / Vijaya Kaushik , Defy the stars / Sophie Mckenzie
, Shobhaa never a dull d’e/ Shobhaa De , Culling mynahs and crows / R.K.Biswas ,
Impulse : why we do what we do
without knowing why we do it / David Lewis , Great adventures of
Sherlock Holmes / Donald Thomas , Noon
tide toll / Romesh Gunesekera , My age of anxiety/ Scott Stossel , Macgregors :
all the possibilities / Nora Roberts ,Corner office / Ashutosh Garg , Leaders
eat last : why some teams pull together and others don’t / Simon Sinek , Farmageddon : the true cost of cheap meat /
Philip Lymbery ,Entry island / Peter May
, Freedom from emotional eating / Paul McKenna , World’s most dangerous place /
James Fergusson , Strangler vine / M.J. Carter , Take me home: inspiring
stories of 20 entrepreneurs / Rashmi Bansal , Thirsty nation : priorties for
India’s water sectors / Joseph P. Quinlan ,
Centrestage : inside the Narendra Modi model of governance / Uday
Mahurkar , Fighting to the end : the Pakistan army’s way of war / C. Christine
Fair , Difficult conversations : how to discuss what matters most / Douglas
Stone , Magic of making / K.G. Subramanyam
, Substance and the shadow : an autobiography / Dilip Kumar , Hard
choices / Hilliary Rodhan Clinton , Last word / Hanif Kureishi , Redesigning the aeroplane while
flying : transforming institutions / Arun Maira
Library added 250 titles to its collection during last fortnight. Prominent among then are An Atlas of
love / Anuja Chauhan , Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw : soldering
with dignity / Depinder Singh , A frontier Compaign / P.C Eliott
Lockhart , Brotherhood : dharma , destiny and the American dream /
Deepak Copra , What do most successful people do before breakfast/ Laura
Vanderkam , Fearless golf/ Gio Valiante , Rethinking money / Bernard Lieter,
Gandhi before India/ Ramachandra Guha , Beijing ‘s power & China’s borders/
Bruce A. Elleman ,The practice of war / Aparna
Rao , Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons conflicts redux / Gurmeet
Kanwal , The new Bihar / N.K. Singh , Avoiding Armageddon / Bruce Riedel Women
leaders in India/ Sudarshan Pruthi , India Psychedelic :the story of rocking
generation / Sidharth Bhatia , All that is / James Salter , Degree coffee by
the yard / Nirmala Lakshman , First raj of the Sikhs / Harish Dhillon ,
Wheelman/ Reed Albergotti , Astronomy
101 / Carolyn Collins Peterson , The Pakistan
project / Rubina Sangol , The mirror of beauty / Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
,Farmageddon / Philip Lymbery All the possibilities / Nora Roberts , Leaders eat last / Simon Sinek , The unreasonable fellows / Nikita Singh , As
if women matter / Ruchira Gupta, Urban shorts : first collection/ Paritosh
Uttam , Entry Island / Peter May .
The library added 300 books during the last fortnight. Prominent titles among them are David and Goliath / Malcolm Caldwell , Forty
chances / Howard G. Buffett , 8 types of
leaders/ Master Del Pe ,Why do smart people make such stupid mistakes
/ Chris Merrington , Evolutionary
enlightenment / Andrew Cohen , Meditation for your life : explore the 6
basic forms of meditation / Robert
Butera , The living Gandhi / Tara Sethia , India aspires / Nitin Gadkari
,The art of significance/ Dan Clark ,Show me the money / Alan Barell , The
nanologues /Vanessa Able , Pitch it /
Dev Prasad ,The new rules of management / Peter Cook , Quiet
influence / Jennifer B. Kahnweiler , The edge / Michell Heppell , The
secret of leadership / Prakash Iyer , Degree coffee by the yard / Nirmala
Lakshman ,The TCS story & beyond /
S. Ramadorai , Far from the tree /
Andrew Solomon , Churning the earth / A. Shrivastava , 22 Stock market trading secrets/ Ashu Dutt
, Salo : a James Bond novel /William Boyd ,Forecast / M . Buchanan , Fit to fight
/ Vesna P. Jacob , An Appetite for wonder / Richard Dawkins , Change your life / Sneha Mehta , Roars &
trumpets / Gurpreet Singh , Finding the next Steve jobs / Nolan Bushwell ,
Shooting for a century / Stephen P. Cohen ,
Uncertain corridors / G. Haigh
Central State Library
28th May – 6th June 2014
Workshops for Children Library members only)
For Children upto Class
Timings: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
May 28
Theatre with faces
May 29
Action - Reaction
May 30
Clay Modeling
June 2
Pictionary (Vocabulary)
June 3
Communication skills through Dramatics
June 4
Self Introduction & Recitation
June 5
Painting n Colouring
June 6
Craft Fun
The library added 200 titles during last fortnight. Prominent titles among them are The art of significance : achieving the
level of success/ Dan Clark, Show me the
money /Alan Barrell , Build from sratch
/ Vineet Bajpai , Uncertain corridors : writings on modern cricket /
Gideon Haigh , The elephant catchers : key lessons for break through growth /
Subroto Bagchi ,The first 20
minutes / Gretchen Reynolds , Roars
& Trumpets : tales from the wild / Gurpreet Singh ,The exiled prince/ Ravi
, It’s not rocket science / Ben Miller , Global warming : effects and remedy /
P.D .Hegde , Shooting for a century / Stephen P. Cohen ,Forecast / Mark
Buchanan, When Shiva smiles / R.K. Kapoor , Churning the earth / Aseem
Shrivastva, Environmental management : from ancient to modern times /
C.V.Jayamani , The competent authority /
Shovon Chowdhury ,Beyond the power of
subconscious mind / C . James Jensen ,
Global recession in historical and
recent perspectives / D . Sambandhan ,The
lowland / Jhumpa Lahiri , Lion heart / Justin Cartwright ,David and
Goliath : underdogs :misfits and the art
of battling giants / Malcolm Gladwell , The new rules of management / Peter
Cook , Doctor sleep / Stephen King , All the money in the world / Laura
Vanderkam , Make my wish come true /
Fiona Harper ,Vanity Bagh / Anees Salim.
Website is launched to help the UGC NET aspirants. The website has previous years solved papers of UGC NET in Social Sciences and other subject areas. The papers are arranged under their subject name alphabetically. Even a few success stories are incorporated into the website so that one can have an idea of how to proceed for the NET Examination. This website can be an excellent reference tools for the University level students in Social Sciences, Computer Science, Electronics and other subject areas especially UGC NET aspirants.
Dedicated to his in-laws Chetan Bhagat admits that the book ‘2 States : The Story of my Marriage’ is inspired by his own experiences. Bhagat is a North Indian guy married to a South Indian girl and the story narrates what difficulties they had to go through to convince their parents for their marriage.
A Punjabi guy and a Tamilian Brahmin girl meet in IIM Ahmedabad, fall in love and decide to get married but know that their parents would not approve of their relationship. The story of their falling in love has been rushed through but the story picks up when their parents meet at the convocation ceremony and do not make any efforts to hide their hatred towards each other.
It explores the differences between culture, life style, food habits, thoughts and life of Punjabis and Tamilians. What makes Bhagat a hit among Indian readers is his simple language, lots of emotions and an inspirational lead. Read the book to be reminded of how love is still at the mercy of societal norms in India. His humour and subtle observations are commendable as he vividly describes each scene. The book also makes a perfect plot for a typical Bollywood movie.
A Punjabi guy and a Tamilian Brahmin girl meet in IIM Ahmedabad, fall in love and decide to get married but know that their parents would not approve of their relationship. The story of their falling in love has been rushed through but the story picks up when their parents meet at the convocation ceremony and do not make any efforts to hide their hatred towards each other.
It explores the differences between culture, life style, food habits, thoughts and life of Punjabis and Tamilians. What makes Bhagat a hit among Indian readers is his simple language, lots of emotions and an inspirational lead. Read the book to be reminded of how love is still at the mercy of societal norms in India. His humour and subtle observations are commendable as he vividly describes each scene. The book also makes a perfect plot for a typical Bollywood movie.
This inspiring tale provides a step-by-step approach to living with greater courage, balance, abundance, and joy. A wonderfully crafted fable,The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari tells the extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer forced to confront the spiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life. On a life-changing odyssey to an ancient culture, he discovers powerful, wise, and practical lessons that teach us to:
- Develop Joyful Thoughts,
- Follow Our Life's Mission and Calling,
- Cultivate Self-Discipline and Act Courageously,
- Value Time as Our Most Important Commodity,
- Nourish Our Relationships, and
- Live Fully, One Day at a Time.
Read and listen to the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone book FREE on line by clicking @ the link below
the authors urge people to walk away from old stresses and to stop repeating things that never worked in the first place. The book teaches that aging can be reversed with new attitudes, improvisation and purposeful activity.
A person's state of mind is another important aspect of surviving and thriving in a stressful world. In order to maximize overall health and well-being, people should never postpone happiness or good times in the hope of achieving things at an uncertain future date.
The authors discuss another elusive concept. That is, the intellect is a dynamic human asset which blends with emotions, gut feelings and instincts honed very finely through experience with life itself. Related requirements for maximizing the intellect are open communications, a balanced approach toward life, and the ability to see the big picture after sorting through a maze of seemingly unrelated details.
Super Brain is an excellent approach toward maximizing satisfaction with life by letting go of the past and trying new things in an attempt to arrive at higher levels of satisfaction in the present. This new approach aims at adjusting goals realistically to remove avoidable stresses which life presents to us all.
The library added two hundred new title to its collection during last fifteen days. Prominent among them are Crow fall / Shanta Gokhale; Lives of the
Indian princes/ Charles Allen; Apocalypse Pakistan: an Anatomy of the world’s
most dangerous nation / Francesca Marino ;Death benefit/ Robin Cook;
Oceanography/ Shyam Prakash; The
lowland/ Jhumpa Lahiri; Snipper Elite: on way trip/ Scott McEwen; The Dead
don’t confess/ Monabi Mitra; Night rise/ Anthony Horowitz; How will you measure
your life?/ Clayton M. Christensen; Seven elements that changed the world/ John
Brownie; Rising tides/ Liam Fox; A treatise on Advaita Vedanta /
S.Bhuvneshwari; Develop skills through
time management/ Ravi Aggarwal; Super brain/
Deepak Chopra; Healing power beyond medicine/ Carol A.Wilson ; The hope
factory/ Lavanaya Sankaran; Never go back/ Lee Child; An officer and a spy;
Robert Harris; Adi Shakti : the mother goddess/ D. Jaggantha Rao; Public
interest litigation / P.V. Pancholi; Advanced economic theory/ H.L.Ahuja ;Modern
Economic/ H.L.Ahuja; Java Programming / Hari Mohan Pandey; Winners / Danille
American Space @ the 2nd Floor cordially invites you for an interactive session with the Student Adviser with United States - India Foundation on April 3, 2014 @ 3:00 pm . Share this information with all your near and dears
Department of State,United States has announced the launch of Shaping the Way We Teach English, a massive open online course (MOOC) for English as Foreign Language (EFL) educators. The ten-week university-level course was developed by the University of Oregon and is currently available on the Coursera platform.
the link to the American English website announcement is here:
One can enroll at the above site. THE COURSE IN FREE. Please share the link with your near and dears.
The library added 250 new titles during the last fortnight. Prominent among them are The Immortals of Meluha/ Amish, Hunted/ P.C. and Kristin
Cast, Burned/ P.C. and Kristin Cast, Mom in the City/ Kausalaya Saptharishi,
ALEX/ Pierre Lemaitre, Vicious Circle/ Wilbur Smith, The Seeds of War/ Ashok K.
Banker, Awaken/ Meg Cabot, New Girls/ Paige Harbison, The Governor’s Wife/ Mark
Gimenez, The Wrath of Angels/ John Connolly, The Fire Witness/ Lars Kepler,
Scandal Point/ Fahad Samar, Two Brothers/ Ben Elton, The Samurai’s Daughter/
Lesley Downer, Falling in love again/ Ruskin Bond, Better Together/ Sheila
O’Flanagan, Karna’s wife/ Kavita Kane, The Black Country/ Alex Grecian, Not
without my Daughter / Betty Mahmody, The sin of the Mother / Danielle Steel, Me
and You / Claudia Carroll , The Mammoth Book of best New Horror / Stephen Jones
, The Tides of Memory / Sidney Sheldons , The Prodigal Son / Colleen McCullough
, The Utopia Experiment / Robert Ludlums , Days of Blood and Starlight / Laini
Taylor , The King’s Deception / Steve Berry , Confessions of a Wild Child /
Jackie Collins.

I feel immense pleasure that a Reader’s of the library has formed a Readers Group. The purpose of a reading group is to help members keep up-to-date or acquire expertise or knowledge in a specific area of their profession and promote reading habits. Participation in a reading group can help members gain better grasp of the areas of interest through sharing varied viewpoints and promote better networking and self-help among members.
Readers Group will meet of Jan 17, 2014 from 3: 00 pm – 5: 00 pm in the Reference section to discuss the topics on Corruption, Electoral reforms, Telengana and Reservation. All are invited to join the group deliberation.
feel immense pleasure that a Reader’s on the library has formed a Readers Group.
The purpose of a reading group
is to help members keep up-to-date or acquire expertise or knowledge in a specific
area of their profession and promote reading habits. Participation in a reading
group can help members gain better grasp of the areas of interest through
sharing varied viewpoints and promote better networking and self-help among
Readers Group will meet of Jan 17, 2014 from
3: 00 pm – 5: 00 pm in the Reference section to discuss the topics on Corruption, Electoral reforms, Telengana
and Reservation. All are invited to join the group deliberation.